A psychic energy reading allows access to a deep level of information and insight by speaking directly to your spirit.
The areas that can be explored in this work are infinite, because every ounce of your life is rich with information.
Gaining an understanding of the original source of your belief systems, blocks, patterns, karma, and choices offers you the opportunity to work with this energy, instead of getting worked by it.
A reading reveals the inner working of those areas and through healing we create space so you may choose to engage differently. Together we will explore past lives, the present situation, and futuristic options.
Readings are available in person in San Francisco or online.
$150 per hour

What do you believe about love? Where did you learn about love? Are you able to give and receive it? |

What is your relationship to your body? Is it in present time? How do you treat your body? Do you know what your body is trying to tell you? |

Why did you choose each other? What are they trying to communicate with you? What challenges are they going through? |

Do you feel connected to your spiritual path? What is spirituality to you? What is your connection to your highest source? |

Do you feel heard? Do you repress your voice? What is your inner dialogue? |

Is anything blocking your financial goals? What are your beliefs about money? Are you allowed to have it? |

Do you feel free to walk your path? Do you question the path you are on? Are you looking for a new direction? |

Are you allowed to have the career you want? Are you aligned with it? Are you fullfilled? |

What energy is running the land or space? What is its purpose? Is that being fulfilled? Are there other energies influencing the property dead or alive? |

What is your level of commitment? Why are you coming together? Does your relationship operate off of expectations? Do you tend to stay, runaway, work through it or withdraw? |

What is you role in your family? What is your karma? Why did you choose each other? |

What is the mission of your business? Are you aligned with its vision? Is anything preventing its highest potential? |