About - Rev. Ginny Brown
Clairvoyant, spiritual counsler and meditation teacher based in San Francisco, California.
Nashville, Psychic, San Francisco, Clairvoyant, Reader, healer, shaman, counselor, clair sentient, clairaudience, painter, artist, phoenix, tattoo
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The call was clear. The path was not.

Ginny grew up in the ghettos of Nashville where most of her early years were about survival. Her environment was chaotic and abusive, which left her longing for stability. As a child, she stuck out like a sore thumb, troubled, distracted, and removed, she struggled to find a sense of belonging.

As a young adult, Ginny was looking for outlets of expression. Through art, silent film, and spoken word, she found ways to express what was churning at her depths.

Those outlets pulled Ginny out of her introverted nature and into the spotlight. She discovered ways to own her trauma and with the help of her misfit community, she was able to create a sense of security and acceptance that had otherwise been missing.


While she loved Nashville there was a deeper calling to come out west as she began to yearn for reinvention. So (as Nashvillians do) she tattooed her chest with a phoenix packed her bags and moved to San Francisco in search of a new sense of self.


10 years later and feeling lost, Ginny was begging for a wake-up call. After a near-death experience in the Grand Canyon, she realized that her life was powered by her choices, in this case, her choice to live or to die.


Seeking clarity and to continue the breakthrough Ginny found herself in front of wild and powerful teachers, while they were impactful Ginny recognized she was being summoned to engage her inner knowing and find her truths for herself. Ginny followed that pull and with the guidance of Rev. Laura Hopper, she trained her psychic and spiritual abilities.


Ginny is an initiate of sacred spiritual orders, a student of mysticism, and deeply devoted to this path as her life’s work. She seeks to grow in acceptance, compassion, and neutrality for herself and others. Allowing her to expand in ownership and create more freedom, every day.